manuell Hiewelblockéierenass eng Zort manuell Hiewel
blockéierendat ass einfach ze benotzen an ze droen. Hien setzt haaptsächlech op d'Mataarbechter fir e puer Tonne Wueren ze droen. Et gëtt wäit a Fabriken, Minièren, Bauplazen, landwirtschaftlech Produktioun, Docks, Lager benotzt, besonnesch Open-Air an Net-elektresch Operatiounen; et kann mat Monorail Trolleys kombinéiert ginn fir manuell Lift Transport Trolleys ze bilden, gëeegent fir Monorail Overhead Transport, etc.
manuell Hiewelblockéieren can also be applied to special specifications such as large tonnage and explosion-proof type. It is suitable for outdoor harsh environment and operation without power supply. It has high safety performance. Dengearbox and handwheel cover are resistant to external impact, equipped with world-class load chain, advanced structure and beautiful appearance. Small size, light weight, easy to carry, low hand pull, high mechanical efficiency, high body toughness, simple internal structure, using aluminum integrated structural frame, easy to disassemble and easy to maintain.
Manual leverblockéierenéieren have features and advantages that other lifting tools do not have. Chain hoists and electric hoists have many uses. But they cannot substitute for each other. After all, the lever
blockéierenéierenass manuell, sou datt Kraaft allgemeng net gebraucht gëtt. Elektresch Hoist gëtt dacks a Fabriken, Versammlungslinnen an aner Szenen benotzt. Wéinst senger héijer Benotzungsfrequenz kann et effektiv d'Aarbechtskäschte reduzéieren.